Drop is still prelaunch. Buy with $10 off with code EARLYBIRDDROP
(You'll get all future updates free of charge.)


  • Full support for Ghost v5.
  • Customisable homepage featuring a list of projects, your latest video, social links, your blog posts and recommendations (e.g. your favourite gear or tools).
  • Large profile picture and introduction.
  • Newsletter subscription form.
  • Navigation with sub-navigation (coming soon).
  • Customisable homepage section headings.
  • Customisable background and card colours.
  • Table of Contents on posts, and an option to turn it off.
  • Optional commenting, with native Ghost comments or Cove comments.
  • Post view counters and reader reactions, powered by Cove.
  • Support for a /now page, including showing last-updated date.
  • Choose between "Read more" or "Latest posts" at the bottom of post pages.
  • Individual Author and Tag pages.
  • Tag list and Author list (coming soon).
  • Post design options (coming soon).
  • Automatic dark mode (coming soon).
  • Customisable intros for the homepage and blog index.
  • Membership sign up and sign in pages (coming soon).
  • Works on any Ghost host.
  • All CSS powered by Tailwind, making it easy to customise.